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Benjamin Netanjahu Young

Young Netanyahu's Views on Palestine in 1978

Historical Footage Surfaces on YouTube

Benjamin Netanyahu's Early Statements on the Conflict

A recently unearthed video recording from 1978 has shed light on the early views of Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The video, entitled "WEB Young Benjamin Netanyahu on Palestine 1978," features a young Netanyahu speaking at a public event in Tel Aviv.

In the video, Netanyahu, who was then only 29 years old, expresses his support for the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. He states that "the only way to achieve peace in this region is through negotiation and compromise" and that "the Palestinians have a legitimate right to self-determination."

Netanyahu's current views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are more complex and have evolved over time. However, the video provides a valuable glimpse into his early thinking on the issue.
